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​Check list


1. Is your child doing their Algebra homework?

2. Ask to see their notebook and show them their notes.

3. Check every week for new assignments.

4. Ask what did you do today and have them show you their work.

5. Ask them to teach you how to do what they just learned.

6. Ask them to tell you how much time they spent practicing their math work?

7. Ask them when the next test is and if they need help studying.

8. Make sure that they are practicing their multiplication tables with you.  It can be like a game of numbers.

9. Please do not clean their binders for them.  They need to keep all information in the binders throughout the year until they pass their EOC exam!  Also it is time for them to become more responsible and take initiative in organizing their own work.




To Do List
Check results of motivation
Repeat process

Here are some helpful hints for parents to use when helping their children do better in math.



If your child receives Free and Reduced Lunch, your family may be qualified for low-cost internet ($9.95/month) and an affordable laptop ($150.00) through the special Internet Essentials Program sponsored by Comcast. Click here to find out more.


         Mondays and Fridays- Room 507

Wednesdays- Room 588

Complete your 4 hours +

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